Sensory Studios

Sensory Studios

This is a concept originated by Mike Ayres, which has evolved out of the use multi-sensory rooms and interactive light and dark rooms.

Sensory Studios® are now included in many mainstream schools as well as schools for pupils with special needs. They have been developed to meet the need for more flexible spaces which enable the users to create whatever type of environment or mood they wish, either temporary or permanent.

The Sensory Studio® allows appropriate interactivity by people of all cognitive and physical abilities. They are used for curriculum work at all levels, drama and creative arts, themed environments, for communication and pastoral work, as well as for specific therapy and assessment.

A Studio can also be a relaxing and fun environment to explore and experiment in. As well as encompassing all of the possibilities that current technologies offer, a Sensory Studio® is an environment in which you can experiment with and exploit lots of physical materials and low-tech experiences. Most importantly, sensory studio control systems allow the user to have complete control of their environment and all of the equipment in it… very simply. Sensory Studio® is a trademark registered by Mike Ayres Design.

[Available in Republic Of Ireland]

Sensory Studio – In use

A studio-type space in which you can create anything you want.

A flexible shell or blank canvas within which you can create any scenario for group or individual use, and change it as the individual or theme develops.
Theme work, creating any sort of scene such as seasons, travel, space, curriculum topics and dramatic events in which participants can interact at any level of functioning or skill.
Drama, creating stage sets and changing scenes for audience participation. It allows complete integration of mainstream and special needs curriculum work.

Individual choice and control enables anyone of any ability to select and control their environment, express likes and dislikes, understand freedom of choice and learn skills for independence.
Learning specific skills such as cause and effect, visual tracking, listening and communication and all the skills needed for learning and independence.
Curriculum work across a very broad spectrum of subjects, for example science, maths, literacy, drama, physical education, history, social sciences. The Sensory Studio® enhances work for mainstream students too, and everyone can participate on equal terms.